Signature Power Distro
Based on the core quality and reliability of the Classic power distribution racks, the Applied Signature Series systems offer details such as built-in dimmable LED rack illumination, LED circuit indicators on all inputs and outputs and powder coated color-matched case rails. Applied power distribution racks can be further customized with options such as a power monitor system and Omni DMX Splitter built-in. These power distribution racks are customized to your specifications, come with a 2-year warranty and are UL Listed. Call the Applied team to start designing your Signature Series Power Distribution system.
- 200amp to 400amp
- Industry standard Cam-Lok connectors
- 110v and 208v 19-pin multicable outputs
- NEMA Twist-Lock and Straight Blade receptacles
- Stage Pin and PowerCON/TRUE1 connectors
- Flush Rocker Breakers
- ATA Style Rolling Rack
- LED per circuit indication
- Built in dimmable LED rack lighting
- Power coated color matched case rails
- Optional additional gear – PM-1000 Power Monitor and Omni DMX Splitter